Rising Junior at Duke University double majoring in Global Health and Chinese.

The AAPH internship experience has been very rich in helping me understand how to set up and operate a large research project. Nevertheless, it has given me a great understanding of the challenges Tanzania is facing in the health sector pushing me to think about ways to overcome those challenges to improve and save lives of not only Tanzanians but other developing regions as well.

The TOV4 and TOV5 research projects gave me an opportunity to travel to different health clinics in Tanzania and this was really important because I was also able to learn through observation. I also had a chance to interact with the nurses and doctors working in those clinics and getting their perspective on health issues and the services they provide as well as the challenges they face and how they overcome them.

It was truly valuable to also work with my mentors Dr. Chris Sudfeld as well as Dr. Alfa Muhihi because they guided me throughout and gave me a chance to work on various assignments.