Dr Hawa Kawawa is the program coordinator at the Dar es Salaam Regional Medical office focusing on HIV/AIDS, TB as well as reproductive and child health. She obtained her degree in medicine from the Beijing Medical College in 1978; a Masters in public health from the Institute of Public Health Antwerp Belgium in 1992 and a diploma in Development studies from MS-TCDC Tanzania/ Accredited to university of Holy Ghost, Kjmmage Ireland in 2002. Dr Kawawa has attended several short courses including counseling of HIV/AIDS patients, Health Management Information in System, and has obtained certificates in 'Urbanization and Health', and 'Gender Studies'. She has previously worked in the government system in a number of positions such as District Medical Officer Ilala ( 1996-1998) and Coordinator of Urban Health Project (1996). Also, she worked with PLAN International Tanzania as Country Health Advisor from 1998 – 2004 and as a program manager at Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVC) AXIOS Health Care Development Inc from 2004 – 2007.