Hamisi Karisha is a specialist in Project Planning and Management, boasting over eight years of experience in implementing, monitoring, and evaluating health programs. Currently serving as the Regional Data Coordinator for the Afya Jumuishi Program at the Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH), he focuses on assessing data quality and quality of the services provided at HIV/AIDS care and treatment clinics. With expertise in program design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and data analysis for health programs, Hamisi is skilled in project coordination. He collaborates effectively with various stakeholders, including R/CHMT, LGA, donors, and implementing partners, and demonstrates adept communication with diverse communities, even in challenging environments. Previously, Hamisi served as a Program Officer (Health and HIV Services) at BAKAID Tanzania on the USAID Kizazi Kipya project. In this capacity, he ensured the delivery of quality services to PLHIV (People Living with HIV/AIDS) and their households, strengthened linkage and referral systems, and fostered close collaboration with CHMT members.