Africa Academy for Public Health was charged with identifying needs and barriers and offer innovative and sustainable solutions to mental health challanges in Tanzania and Ghana. AAPH collaborated with the University of Ghana, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Heidelberg Institute for Global Health in this assignment to conduct Stakeholder Consultation and Consensus Building on key mental health issues among youth, drivers of the same as well as Systemic Challenges, Opportunities, and Existing Networks.
Being has supported locally-driven landscape analyses and consultations with youth, policymakers, local organizations, and mental health experts in the 12 priority countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam. This was to understand each country’s unique challenges and opportunities: What’s driving young people’s mental health, and how can we build consensus around priorities for advocacy and funding. The findings from this work have already informed Being's funding priorities in innovation and ecosystem building. Check out our report of the findings below!