Lishe Endelevu is a four-year (Oct 2018-Sept2022) project that is aims at improving the Nutritional status of women of reproductive age, adolescents and under five children in Morogoro, Dodoma, Iringa and Rukwa regions. This project is implemented in collaboration with Save the Children, Deloitte, Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA), The Manoff group, and Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH) and aim to reach 1.5 million women of reproductive age, 330,000 adolescents and 1.1 million under 5 children.
As part of program activities, Lishe Endelevu through AAPH has developed a training curriculum on Operational Research for Nutrition Services that aims to improve the capacity of Regional Secretariats (RS) and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in conducting and using basic operational research to address existing bottlenecks in implementation of nutrition interventions. One of the key outcomes envisioned following the training is an increase in the use of evidence-based planning and programming for nutrition in participating RS and LGA’s.
The first ever operational research training was conducted in August 2020 for 5 days in Morogoro Region with participants including: nutrition officers, HIMS focal personnel, research coordinators, and agricultural officers in 5 councils of Morogoro. Following the successful completion of the training, participants were awarded with a certificate through a graduation ceremony chaired by the Regional Medical Officer (RMO). The operational research trainings is ongoing in other respective Lishe Endelevu regions.