Meals, Education and Garden For in School Adolescent (MEGA) project is the project designed to address and assess nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), knowledge, attitude and practice gap regarding nutrition among in School adolescent in the 6 selected schools in Chamwino Dodoma Tanzania. This is a collaborative project between; Harvard University T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Africa Academy for Public Health and The University of Dodoma with the donation from IZUMI foundation.
The Meals, Education, and Gardens for In-School Adolescents (MEGA) Project aim to implement and evaluate a comprehensive, school-based nutrition intervention package among secondary schools in Dodoma Tanzania using a cluster randomized design and mixed methods evaluation. The intervention include four primary components: (1) school garden, (2) school meal program, (3) agriculture, nutrition, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) education, and (4) community workshops. These interventions are being evaluated using the following outcomes; (1) Adolescent anemia, (2) Adolescent anthropometric indicators including height and weight, (3) Adolescent dietary practices and knowledge, (4) Adolescent nutrition, agriculture, and WASH knowledge, attitudes, and practices, (5) Adolescent cognitive development and educational outcomes and (6) Parent nutrition, agriculture, and WASH knowledge, attitudes, and practices.