The Afya Kwanza & Afya Jumuishi programs aim at delivering comprehensive HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services in the following supported regions; Dar es Salaam, Kagera, Geita and Tabora. Among the core activities implemented through this program include conduction of routine data quality assessments through desk reviews and verifications of reported and recounted data. This program will also provide technical support towards community HIV data including linkage to HIV care. This program also entails strengthening of lab services in order to develop analytical datasets for informed decision making.
AAPH in close collaboration with MDH are together implementing activities in the Afya Kwanza and Afya Jumuishi programs. With the aim of gathering knowledge of the programs, AAPH participated in the Annual Program Review meetings (APR) in Geita, Kagera and Tabora. The team learnt about the current progress of implementation of activities and challenges faced by the team in order to determine potential areas of collaboration and improvements. The APR meetings were held in Geita, Kagera and Tabora during the week of 1st – 5th November 2021.
Furthermore, the team participated in the community HIV intervention data quality assessment and verification in order to provide technical assistance and support to Kagera, Geita and Dar es Salaam regions during the week of 8th – 18th November 2021. During the field visits, AAPH together with MDH staff from Tabora provided orientation sessions on the community interventions model as well as reviewed the quality of service provided at the health facilities. The review included availability of registers, documentation, and interventions being conducted in the community.